We welcome you to our family of dental care providers and we are committed to your treatment being successful. Please understand
that payment of your bill is part of your treatment. The following is a statement of our financial policy which we require you to read
and sign prior to any treatment.
Payment is expected as services are rendered. If you are covered by insurance, we expect payment for deductibles and co-payments on
the date of service. We accept most insurances, Cash, Checks, Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover or we offer a few Payment
Plans which allows low monthly payments with prior credit approval.
For your convenience, we offer the following methods of payment. Please check the method of payment you wish to choose to settle
your account:
Regarding insurance:
We are happy to extend the courtesy of billing your insurance company for you. However, in order to provide this service to you, we
must have complete insurance information and confirmation of your coverage. It is your responsibility to fill out the necessary forms
that give us all the insurance information required. If this information is not provided to us in a timely manner, we will be unable to
bill your insurance company for you and you will be expected to pay in full for services rendered. If we have not received payment
from your insurance company within 45 days of billing, the balance becomes your responsibility. Your insurance policy is a contract
between you and and your insurance company and we are not a party to that contract. You will be expected to contact them directly if
a problem should arise. We expect all balances to be cleared in less than 45 days.
Usual and Customary Rates:
Our practice is committed to providing the best treatment and we charge what is usual and customary for our area. You are responsible
for payment regardless of any insurance company’s arbitrary determinations of usual and customary rates. Please keep in mind that
we can only estimate what your insurance will pay since each insurance company has their specific limitations and exclusions.
Usual and Customary Rates:
Our practice is committed to providing the best treatment and we charge what is usual and customary for our area. You are responsible
for payment regardless of any insurance company’s arbitrary determinations of usual and customary rates. Please keep in mind that
we can only estimate what your insurance will pay since each insurance company has their specific limitations and exclusions.
For all accounts over 45 days with patients’ amounts due, there will be a $10.00 billing fee or a finance charge of 1.5% per month,
whichever is more. We assign all accounts over 120 days to a collection service for processing.
Should this account become past due, you agree to pay reasonable additional fees, including any and all collection agency, legal fees
and/or court cost, necessary to collect this amount.
I agree to this financial policy, and I have read and received a copy of this statement.